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DateCourseOrganising PartnerDelivery PartnerFormatExamInstructorBooking Contact
February 4-5, 2025Transport Energy Auditing Certificate Training ProgramAEEAEE2-days(virtual)Online Conor MolloyAEE

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Instructor Quality & Experience

You have the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in our industry. AEE approved instructors are active in the energy industry and have extensive first-hand experience of the latest practices, technologies, strategies and solutions. The instructors focus on the most “useful” and “proven” activities that an energy professional should pursue to maximize results in each topic covered. They lead discussions in an open, interactive environment so that you gain their knowledge and spend valuable time connecting with and learning from other program attendees.

Relevant Content & Topics

AEE Training programs support industry needs and workforce development by covering a wide variety of functional areas, focus on a discipline, or narrow to a specific topic. Some areas include:

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Management
  • Energy Auditing
  • Measurement & Verification Facility Management
  • Building Commissioning and Automation
  • Energy Services & Commissioning
  • Alternative & Renewable Energy
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