AEE Ireland Corporate Membership Benefits

Corporate Membership offers a suite of membership levels designed to provide you with options specific to your requirements.

Joining AEE Ireland as a Corporate Member offers an exceptional opportunity to become part of a prestigious network of Energy Professionals and gain recognition among a diverse group of individuals, including Energy Engineers, Sustainability Managers, Renewable Managers, and more.

AEE Ireland serves as a platform for bringing together accomplished professionals from across Ireland who hold responsibility for the efficiency and sustainability of their respective facilities, organizations, and groups. As a Corporate Member, you will have the chance to engage in meaningful discussions, share best practices, and collaborate with like-minded experts in the field.

By aligning yourself with AEE Ireland, you will not only enhance your professional standing but also gain access to valuable resources, industry insights, and networking opportunities that can greatly contribute to your organization's success in the realm of energy management and sustainability.

Benefits Gold Silver Bronze Associate
Cost €2,000 €1,000 €500 €200
Access to AEE Ireland newsletter
Access to AEE Ireland webinars
Opportunity to participate with AEE Ireland Working Groups
Display of Company Logo on AEE Ireland website
Share relevant case studies through AEE Ireland channels as appropriate
Use of AEE Ireland Chapter logo on your promotional material
Entitled to vote at General Meetings
Support from AEE Ireland with lobbying and policy development
Preferential access to sponsorship & speaking opportunities at events
Opportunity to present an AEE Ireland webinar
Advertise company vacancies on AEE Ireland website
10% Discount on all AEE Ireland Events
Preference as WG chairs
Special discount on AEE Ireland training courses
Guaranteed speaking position at AEE Ireland conference
Prominent display of Company Logo on AEE Ireland website
Guaranteed seat on a WG if requested
Observer status at Board meetings

To become a Corporate Member please complete the form below selecting your chosen level and an invoice will be generated for your AEE Ireland Corporate Membership and mailed to you directly. If you would like to speak to someone about Corporate Membership, please email

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